Clearing the Air on Artificial Grass: 6 Myths Debunked

Artificial grass has become increasingly popular in Canada due to its low maintenance and long-lasting benefits. However, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding this synthetic turf.

In this article, we will debunk the most common artificial grass myths and misconceptions and provide you with accurate information.

Myth #1: Artificial Grass Looks Fake and Unattractive

One of the most common myths about artificial grass is that it looks fake and unattractive. However, this is not the case.

The technology behind synthetic turf has advanced significantly in recent years, and it can now mimic the look and feel of natural grass. High-quality artificial grass looks and feels like real grass, with different shades of green and a soft texture. It can be difficult to distinguish between real and artificial grass.

Myth #2: Artificial Grass is Harmful to the Environment

Another common myth about artificial grass is that it is harmful to the environment. However, this is also not true. Artificial grass has several environmental benefits, including conserving water, reducing carbon emissions, and eliminating the need for harmful pesticides and fertilizers.

Synthetic turf does not require watering, saving up to 70% of water usage compared to natural grass. Additionally, it does not produce any carbon emissions from lawn mowers or other maintenance equipment.

Myth #3: Artificial Grass is Expensive

Many people believe that artificial grass is expensive, but this is only sometimes the case. While the initial installation cost may be higher than natural grass, the long-term cost savings make it a worthwhile investment.

Artificial grass does not require watering, mowing, or fertilizing, saving you money on your water bill and lawn maintenance costs. Additionally, synthetic turf can last up to 15 years with proper care, making it a cost-effective option.

Myth #4: Artificial Grass is High Maintenance

Another misconception about artificial grass is that it is high maintenance. However, synthetic turf is actually very low maintenance. It does not require mowing, watering, or fertilizing like natural grass, which can save you time and money. The only maintenance required is occasional brushing to keep the grass fibres upright and removing any debris.

Myth #5: Artificial Grass is Not Suitable for Pets and Children

Many people believe that artificial grass is not suitable for pets and children, but this is not true. Synthetic turf is safe for pets and children and can even be beneficial for them. It is non-toxic and does not harbor pests like fleas and ticks, which can harm pets and children. Additionally, artificial grass is durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic and pet activity.

Myth #6: Artificial Grass is Hot and Uncomfortable

A common misconception about artificial grass is that it can become hot and uncomfortable to walk on, especially during the summer months. However, this is not entirely true.

While it is true that synthetic turf can become warmer than natural grass, it is not excessively hot. High-quality artificial grass is designed to dissipate heat, making it comfortable to walk on, even on hot days. Additionally, you can cool down the turf by spraying it with water or installing a misting system.

Final Thoughts

Artificial grass is a practical and cost-effective alternative to natural grass. However, many myths and misconceptions surround synthetic turf, which can deter people from considering it an option.

By debunking these myths and providing accurate information, we hope to help you make an informed decision about whether artificial grass is the right choice for your lawn. Remember, high-quality artificial grass looks and feels like real grass, is eco-friendly, low maintenance, and safe for pets and children.

For artificial grass installation in West Vancouver, check out North Western Synthetic Grass today. We offer premium quality artificial grass installation services for residents in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Langley and throughout the Fraser Valley. Message us today for more information.