Artificial Gardens: The Answer to Allergy-Free Gardening

An artificial garden can be a great alternative to a natural one, especially for people with allergies. Unlike natural gardens, artificial gardens do not produce pollen, a common allergen. 

Here are some interesting facts about artificial gardens that make them even more allergy-friendly.

1. Artificial Gardens Do Not Require Mowing

One of the biggest sources of pollen in a natural garden is the grass. Grass produces a significant amount of pollen, which can trigger allergies. Mowing the grass can also stir up pollen and make it airborne, making allergies worse.

2. Artificial Gardens Do Not Require Watering

Another source of pollen in a natural garden is flowers. Many flowers produce pollen, which can trigger allergies. Watering the flowers can also stir up pollen and make it airborne, making allergies worse.

3. Artificial Gardens Do Not Attract Insects

Insects can also be a source of allergies. Many people are allergic to bee stings, for example. In a natural garden, flowers can attract bees and other insects, increasing the risk of allergic reactions.

4. Artificial Gardens Can Be Cleaned Easily

Dust and dirt can also trigger allergies. In a natural garden, dirt and dust can accumulate on the ground and plants, making allergies worse.

5. Artificial Gardens Can Be Designed to Minimize Allergens

Finally, artificial gardens can be designed to minimize allergens. For example, artificial plants can be used instead of real plants to eliminate the risk of pollen and dust. The design can also include water features and rock gardens, which do not produce pollen or attract insects.

6. Artificial Gardens Can Be Installed Anywhere

One of the advantages of an artificial garden is that it can be installed anywhere, even where natural gardens are impossible. For example, live in an apartment or a condo and do not have a backyard. You can still enjoy the benefits of a garden by installing an artificial garden on your balcony or patio.

7. Artificial Gardens Can Be Customized

Another advantage of an artificial garden is that it can be customized to suit your preferences and needs. Artificial gardens can be designed to mimic the look and feel of a natural garden, or they can be designed to have a more modern and minimalist look.

8. Artificial Gardens Require Minimal Maintenance

Maintaining a natural garden requires a significant amount of time and effort. You must water the plants, prune them, fertilize them, and weed them regularly. This can be a challenge for people who suffer from allergies because they may have allergic reactions to plants or the environment.

9. Artificial Gardens Can Be Eco-Friendly

Another interesting fact about artificial gardens is that they can be eco-friendly. Many artificial gardens are made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles, tires, and containers. This helps to reduce waste and promote sustainability.


Not only do artificial gardens eliminate the risk of allergens, but they also offer several other benefits, such as minimal maintenance, customization, and eco-friendliness. Consider an artificial garden if you are looking for a low-allergen garden option that is easy to maintain and can be installed anywhere.

Are you looking for a beautiful, low-allergen garden that requires minimal upkeep? Look no further than North Western Synthetic Grass, your go-to artificial grass supplier in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Langley, and the rest of the Fraser Valley. Our premium-quality artificial grass installation services are perfect for anyone seeking a hassle-free, eco-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing garden solution. Contact us today to learn more!