6 Reasons to Hire Artificial Turf Installation Professionals

Landscaping is an essential part of creating a beautiful and comfortable outdoor space. It involves designing, planning, and creating a garden or yard that enhances the aesthetic appeal of a property, so homeowners invest significant time and money in landscaping to make their outdoor areas look great. Some homeowners tend to install artificial fixtures to make their gardens look better, and one such fixture is artificial turf.

Artificial turf, or synthetic grass, is a surface made from synthetic fibres that look and feel like natural grass. The turf is made from a blend of polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon, which are strong, durable, and resistant to weather and wear. Artificial turf is designed to mimic the look and feel of natural grass while providing a low-maintenance and long-lasting solution for homeowners. Professionals with the expertise and experience typically do artificial turf installation to ensure that the turf is installed correctly and looks great. Despite this, many homeowners tend to go the DIY route for various reasons, such as saving money and thinking they can do it alone. Unfortunately, this typically results in disaster most of the time.

If you don't see the value of hiring professionals to handle the installation of artificial turf on your landscape, here are some reasons why you should:

1. Professional Expertise

Artificial turf installation is not as simple as laying down a carpet because it requires specific skills and expertise to ensure it is installed correctly and looks great. Professionals specializing in artificial turf installation have undergone extensive training and have years of experience in the field, so they know the ins and outs of artificial turf installation.

Professional installers also have the expertise to assess the condition of your landscape and determine the best turf to use. Moreover, they have the right tools and equipment to install the turf properly, ensuring it is evenly installed and securely fixed in place. They also have the knowledge and experience to handle any issues during the installation, such as dealing with uneven surfaces, working around obstacles, and creating proper drainage systems.

2. Proper Installation from Start to Finish

Professional installers of artificial turf follow a systematic process from start to finish to ensure proper installation. They prepare the surface, including removing grass, weeds, and debris. They also level the surface and add a base layer of crushed stone or gravel to ensure proper drainage. From there, they lay the turf, cut it to fit the area perfectly and secure it using specialized techniques and tools to ensure it stays in place and looks great.

3. Best Quality Materials Are Used

Trusted artificial turf installers use only the highest quality materials for their installations. They source their turf from reputable manufacturers, ensuring it is durable, UV-resistant, and can withstand heavy foot traffic. They also use high-quality infill materials like sand or rubber to provide additional stability and cushioning.

4. Time and Cost Savings

Hiring a professional to install your artificial turf is often more cost-effective in the long run. While the initial investment may be higher than doing it yourself, you will save money on maintenance and replacements in the future. Additionally, professionals can complete the installation promptly, reducing the time and effort you would need to spend doing it yourself, allowing you to enjoy your new lawn sooner and with less hassle.

5. Warranty and Guarantees

Professional installers of artificial turf typically offer warranties and guarantees on their work, providing the homeowner peace of mind. These warranties cover any issues arising from installation errors or defects in the turf. This benefits homeowners by protecting their investment and ensuring that any issues with the turf are promptly addressed and resolved. For this reason, you must carefully review the warranty and guarantee terms before committing to an installer to ensure they meet your needs and expectations.

6. Long-Term Maintenance

Professional artificial turf installers guide long-term maintenance, including how to clean and maintain the turf to ensure its longevity properly. This includes recommendations for regular grooming, such as brushing and raking the turf to prevent matting and ensure proper drainage. It also contains guidance about cleaning the turf to remove debris, stains, and pet waste. By following these maintenance guidelines, homeowners can ensure their artificial turf remains in top condition.


Artificial turf is an excellent addition to any landscape, and professional installers can ensure its proper installation and long-term maintenance. Even if you try the DIY route, professional installation ensures the turf's durability, safety, and aesthetic appeal. This way, your landscape can remain lush and green all year round.

If you’re looking for artificial grass in North Vancouver, North Western Synthetic Grass can help! We offer artificial grass for residential and commercial applications installed by professionals for affordable prices. Call us today at 778-242-8833 for a free quote!